Road Trip Entertainment!
Planning a road trip now that warmer weather is here? Just driving to Grandma’s house? You’re going to want to keep those kiddies occupied and happy if you want to have a peaceful, enjoyable trip. When we plan a road trip we always bring movies, video games and books but here’s what else I did on our last road trip to make it more fun for our children. This would work great for flights too!
I planned ahead of time and started buying small children’s toys, games and treats when I saw them on sale. I bought things at the Dollar Store, Michael’s Craft Store, on Ebay and even at Thrift Stores to keep it affordable.
Top 25 Places for Families to Visit in Nova Scotia
I love living in Nova Scotia. There is so much to do here for families and so much history. Here’s my list of the top 25 places for families to go in Nova Scotia, in no particular order, and some comments on our favourites. Hopefully these ideas will inspire you to go to at least one new place in Nova Scotia this summer with your family or take at least one road trip!
Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Cooking with Avocados from Mexico!
I love avocados, but until recently, I really didn’t know what to do with them. I only used them in guacamole, or sandwiches, and never considered that I could bake with them. The avocado, or “lizard fruit”, is actually a fruit, and blooms year round in Mexico, the only place in the world! I found out, there are so many ways you can use an avocado, and much more about them on the Miss Avacado, Avocados from Mexico, website.
Did you know that the first avocados were grown 9000 years ago, in Mexico, and that approximately half of todays avocado production still comes from Mexico? Did you also know that avocados contain more than 20 vitamins and minerals, and more potassium than a banana? They also are a fantastic source of “good fats”, which help lower cholesterol. When I heard this I knew I wanted our family to start eating more avocados. But how would I do that, and would my family like it?! I decided to try to cook something completely new with avocado’s, the Raspberry Avocado Semifreddo!
Guest Blog Post – A Book Review of Luv Ya Bunches
Its time again for another guest blog post. This time by my 8-year-old daughter, Maia. She wanted to write about the book Luv Ya Bunches by Lauren Myracle because she enjoyed it so much. There is a website to go along with the book with a few games and information about the characters that your daughters might enjoy.
William Qammaniq from Iqaluit
The most interesting person I have met, on my travels, was William from Iqaluit. We met in 1996, when I skipped my high school graduation to go sailing in Ireland, with a youth program; Atlantic Challenge. 29 youth from all over Canada met for the first time, on my birthday, in Ontario and then travelled to Schull, Ireland to live and train for a month in close quarters. The town was tiny and you quickly became familiar with the locals; no one more than Will.