Tag Archives: Games

Family game nights are awesome. Mattel Game On wants to bring back family game night and has launched some fantastic ways you can start celebrate family game night even if you have never played a game before! Anyone can play games. They are so much fun and there is a game for everyone.

Mattel Game On asked me to try out their new Gameology App on Facebook to see what type of games I liked and to host a game night with our family. I absolutely love family game night so I couldn’t wait to start planning. I started by trying the Gameology app on Facebook and my profile was Wittian:

Wittians are cunning players who enjoy the psychology of gameplay. Outsmarting their opponents is just as rewarding to them as outplaying them. They are wary of luck and prefer to make their own using skill and guile. Wittians are generally trustworthy friends, but it should be remembered that at the end of the day, nothing will stop them from sacrificing you if it gets them a win.

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Planning a road trip now that warmer weather is here? Just driving to Grandma’s house? You’re going to want to keep those kiddies occupied and happy if you want to have a peaceful, enjoyable trip. When we plan a road trip we always bring movies, video games and books but here’s what else I did on our last road trip to make it more fun for our children. This would work great for flights too!

I planned ahead of time and started buying small children’s toys, games and treats when I saw them on sale. I bought things at the Dollar Store, Michael’s Craft Store, on Ebay and even at Thrift Stores to keep it affordable.

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