Just over six months ago I heard about Rehtaeh Parsons for the first time. I was moved greatly by the story of her life. If you haven't heard her story; Rehtaeh Parsons was raped at a party by four ...
A Ford #Fiesta Road Trip!
The trend with cars, these days, is to make them smaller than ever and more fuel-efficient. With the price of gas as high as it is, I can hardly argue this concept. Even so, I was wary of letting go ...
Sparks Fly & Self Regulation in our School System
Have you heard of self-regulation? I hadn't before I heard about Sparks Fly and met Luke MacDonald, owner of Aerobics First, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I was blown away when I started talking to Luke ...
Lets Go Fly a Kite…at Neptune Theatre
"Winds in the east, mist coming in. Like somethin' is brewin' and bout to begin. Can't put me finger on what lies in store, But I fear what's to happen all happened before" Anyone who knows the Walt ...
The Halifax Vacation Superstore by Maritime Travel
I like to travel, a lot. So, I thought it was about time I went to the Halifax Vacation Superstore by Maritime Travel. I wanted to see what it was all about. The moment we walked through the door, I ...
Our stay at the ALT Hotel – Halifax Stanfield Airport
It's no secret that our family loves to travel, but, we have discovered that you don't need to go far to feel the excitement of travelling. You can get that feeling from a short trip or even just ...
Our Summer Fun List #Travel #SummerFun #Family
My girls and I got a great idea from my cousin to make a Summer Fun List (a bucket list but I didn't really want to call it that) of things to do this summer. Have you ever done this? We have had ...
Top 25 Family Attractions in Nova Scotia
I love living in Nova Scotia. There is so much to do here for families and so much history. Here's my list of the top 25 places for families to visit in Nova Scotia, in no particular order, and some ...