I grew up in a family that made sure we all sat down together for dinner if possible, traveled together even as teens and played board games & card games together. Some of my absolute favourite memories are of multi-generational card games we played my grandmother’s house late into the night.
I started these same traditions with my girls so when we all started talking about the most important things we wanted to bring on the road on our four month long adventure board games and cards were very high on the list for rainy days and nights by the fire!
Exploding Kittens – This one is totally new to us but comes with huge recommendations from a friend and really…who could resist a game called exploding kittens? I predict uncontrolled laughter from my teens and myself during this game. It will be perfect for a drab, rainy day when we’re feeling a little homesick!
Blokus – Since our girls are schooling on the road and since the accountant in me LOVES math this game was a must. It reminds me of a board game version of Tetrus but you have to clock your opponents while placing pieces. So much fun!! Ok, so it’s not my kids favourite game but I LOVE it!
5 Crowns/Playing Cards/Uno/Skip-Bo – You can’t go on the road without a few of the classic card games like Uno and Phase-10. They’re easy to play with 2-4 people, are quick and easy for all ages and can be played in the car, trailer or while waiting for dinner at a restaurant.
Ticket To Ride – This is a fun new board game about trains that we gave my dad for Christmas. Unfortunately for him, it was so fun we confiscated it to take on our trip! In the game you build train tracks to try and make connecting lines across the United States. You get points for the length of your connecting tracks and for making certain connections. It’s actually quite competitive!
Catan – I was so unsure about this game when my brother gave it to my daughters for Christmas many years ago. It looked SO BORING to me. Little did I know. A serious game of planning, it takes quite a long time to play, kind of like Monopoly used to, so it’s perfect for a long rainy night stuck in a small trailer!
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Have you tried Bananagrams?
We haven’t tried Bananagrams yet! We’ll have to add it to our list!