Tip’s for Introducing Your Kids to Golf
This is a sweet Mother’s Day post by Sara from Metro Ladies Golf. Happy Mother’s Day out there to all the moms, moms to be, mother-in-law’s, grandmothers and aunts (honorary moms)!
Enjoy family time – Get your kids into golf!
I have many fond memories of my parents, brother and I playing a round of golf together every Sunday afternoon at 2:04pm. We used this time to reconnect, laugh and plan our next week’s activities. I didn’t realize it at the time, but now that I am a parent those were times I will always cherish.
As a parent of 3 young children, I am always looking for ways to share quality time with my kids, off the grid. This is the first year they are old enough to venture out on the course, and I couldn’t be happier. They may not share my passion for the game, and that is ok. I want them to experience what I did as a kid and always remember spending time with their mom, dad and each other.