Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at a new Blogging Conference here in Halifax. Yes, it’s small. Yes, I’m speaking with other people and yes, it’s really casual. But I’m still nervous as heck! I’m doing everything I can to bring out my inner diva and confidence but it’s difficult for someone who’s really an introvert at heart!
What do you do to boost your confidence in a new situation?
Do you jump in head first and think about it later?
Do you gain confidence from planning and knowing all the outcomes?
Every year I gain more confidence through every event I have attended (think Blissdom), every year that passes and every success I have in my work and relationships. But the biggest impact on my strength and confidence comes from being a good mother. Every time my children are proud of me, I gain more confidence in my role as a mother and I realize how important a person I am. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support. Who cares what other people really think of me or how confident and successful I am? I could lose everything I have and I would still feel successful, as long as my children were still proud of me.
I also gain strength from my parents, extended family, friends and co-workers. When we build a community, we also build up ourselves in the process. Every action we take to be kind or help others makes us better, stronger humans.
So thank-you to all of you who have read my posts, joined my community, given me positive comments, and helped me to get where I am today. I wouldn’t be here without you!
I’m terrible at new situations. I like to know what to expect so that I can plan for everything. Like you, I’m getting more confidence as I go along, by building communities of people who “get” me. So sad that it’s the last year for Bliss! There’s also my husband. You can’t have someone believe in you as much as he believes in me without having it rub off at least a little bit. 🙂
I hope it went well!
You’re going to be great!
Deep breath!
Sleep. 🙂
See you in the morning!
I can’t wait to hear how you do!