Today I attended BlogJam, a new blogging conference in Halifax, NS. It’s very exciting to finally have a blogging conference in our own area and it was a huge success. Since I’m certain that there will be another BlogJam in the future, you should follow them on twitter @BlogJam2015 and sign up for their newsletter on their website.
Today I learned that I need a lot more experience speaking in public, but that it’s possible and I might even enjoy it! There are many reasons why you should attend a blogging conference including:
Meeting your online friends in real life!
Learning new blogging and writing skills!
Learning technical tips for your website and social media platform management!
Learning how to increase your revenue from advertising or product sales!
Learning how to work with brands and make pitches!
Networking with other bloggers, pr companies and brands. This is your opportunity to pitch, talk about guest blogging opportunities and give away your business cards!
And the best reason of all: blogging conferences are all about boosting your confidence and meeting people who care a lot about you! And not your mistakes. We’re all here to learn and the blogging world is a wonderful, non judgemental community. Let’s all help each other succeed and our online and real community to grow and prosper!
Sounds like a great learning experience. I enjoyed BlogU for those reasons 🙂
I want to get to one, one of these days!! Sounds like a fantastic time.
They are extremely uplifting! I really encourage you to attend one some day.