You might have seen Souls Harbour Rescue Mission on the news lately. The centre recently won $100,000 in the Aviva Community Fund to build a new kitchen. The drop in centre serves up to 100 meals each weekday to men, women and families in Halifax. I was inspired by the founders of this mission, Ken and Michelle Porter, so I asked Michelle a few questions about how the mission came to be and why it is important to them.
1) How long have you been working with Souls Harbour Mission affiliates? Did you also work in a social service setting before Souls Harbour?
My husband and I founded Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission, in Regina, Saskatchewan in 2000. Ten years later, we left that organization with 7 facilities, 40 staff, and a debt-free budget. They served 300 meals a day and slept 90 people each night. Keeping the name, but as a completely separate entity, we started up Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission, in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2010, officially opening our doors in June of 2011. We are still in the start-up phase, but serve up to and over 100.
2) What inspired you to start working with homeless men, women and children?
As young marrieds, we wanted to be overseas missionaries, but we kept running into obstacles. “You’re too young.” “You don’t have enough financial support.” “You’re home church is too small.” And so, in the meantime, and quite by accident, we began volunteering, and then working for a mission in Winnipeg. I guess you could say we got bit by the “rescue bug” at that time. The situation was grave and the need was great right in our own country.
3) What inspired you and your husband to move to Halifax and open Souls Harbour here?
We were asked by the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions to do a needs assessment of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to see if a gospel rescue mission was needed. We came and determined that there was room for a ministry like ours here, and that we would recommend it. The question was then asked, “Will you do it?” Suddenly this fact-finding trip took on a whole new perspective. Were we willing to give up our comfortable life and start from scratch again? Were we willing to leave all our friends and family and come to a part of Canada where we knew no one, and the culture and climate was so different. As someone who had no children and no debt, we knew we were in a unique position to leave. It wasn’t easy, but for the second time in our lives, we sold everything we had, moved to a new place, and started a mission. We didn’t know we were serial, social entrepreneurs. In fact, that term didn’t really exist at that time.
4) What has been the biggest hurdle, you have had to overcome, during your work with Souls Harbour?
Working full-time for the first 2 years without a salary was challenging. We found a job as weekend caretakers of our condo, but not having financial stability for the mission or ourselves, and watching our personal savings dwindle… that took great faith and we persevered.
5) Who suggested that you apply for the Aviva Community Fund for your new kitchen? Were you surprised by the support you received?
Yvette, my very part-time supervisor, suggested a small voting contest she had found out about it. When I told my virtual assistant, Melanie about it, she suggested that if we put the time and effort into it, why not go big? And so, my two-part time staff were the catalysts for this project. No person is too small. Every woman has a contribution to make, no matter what her current place in life. My VA is a full-time mom of 3 kids and one on the way.
6) What one thing would you change about the world, for the better, if you could?
Kindness. I feel a little like I might be letting Miss America down by not saying world peace. But if we acted and reacted in kindness – it’s a small and simple thing with unimaginable repercussions.
7) What is the most important thing each of us could do to help eradicate homelessness?
Homelessness is a symptom of something bigger. Building more houses won’t solve homelessness in North America. We will always have the poor with us. The most important difference we can all make is acceptance and generosity towards those in need.
8) What words of hope would you like to share with the world?
There is hope! There is always hope. No matter where you are in life’s journey, remember that the darkest of days can be lit with the hope of a small single flame of a candle. When you are in despair, and ready to give up, I want you to think of that light, dim as it may be, flickering in the night of your life, bringing hope to your heart.
Souls Harbour Rescue Mission is having an old-fashioned kitchen party in Halifax to celebrate their win. If you supported them please drop by! NOTE: Postponed due to storm. I’ll update this post with the new dates as soon as they are available!
Thank you so much for the encouragement and kindness you give to others….what can I do to help out ?
Hi Jayne,
Thanks for the comment. You can find more information about helping on their website:
Take care!
Thanks for the fun interview! I’ve cross posted it on my blog. Have a great day, and we hope to see lots of your fans out at our Kitchen Party!